Psilocybin Therapy in Montville, NJ


Psilocybin therapy will be available as soon as it is legal to prescribe psilocybin as medicine for mental health.

“Although many of us think of psychedelics as dangerous drugs, it’s time for a rethink. They are non-toxic, non-addictive, have very few side effects, and could potentially offer relief for people suffering from a range of psychological difficulties.”

—Dr. Rosalind Watts

Perhaps you have tried all the usual therapies and you are still suffering symptoms of your depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sometimes psychotherapy alone is just not enough. Sometimes even trying other modalities such as anxiolytic medications, yoga, neurofeedback, breathing exercises, soundwaves, self-help books, and less conventional modalities might still be lacking in providing definitive relief.

Depression, anxiety, and PTSD is often the fuel for addictions, relationship problems, work problems, and difficulty enjoying the small things in life.

What is Psilocybin?

Psilocybin is the psychedelic component of over 100 species of "magic mushrooms". In the past decade, research has shown promising scientific evidence that psilocybin is effective for treating depression, anxiety, and end-of-life angst. Psilocybin is made from farmed mushrooms or can be manufactured synthetically and is concentrated into capsule form.

It is considered generally safe and is often more effective than traditional psychiatric medications.

Conditions Treated

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Smoking cessation
  • Terminal disease existential distress


The client is medically screened by our medical doctor, Julia Bramwell MD. She will prescribe the psilocybin medication if indicated. The dose is standardized at 25 mg. There may be between one to three doses prescribed, to be taken one to two months apart.


The cost of the medical consultation with Dr. Bramwell is $250.  Follow-up medication management appointments are $150. The cost of the psilocybin medication is paid directly to the pharmacy and is unknown at this time. This medication must be taken in coordination with psychotherapy services which cost approximately $250 per hour and is paid directly to the psychotherapist.


Psilocybin is considered a safe medication when used in the appropriate dose and in the controlled setting of a psychotherapist. Possible side effects include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Agitation
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort
  • Lack of coordination
  • “Bad trip” with physical and emotional distress

The process to get started is as follows:

  • Select the Book a visit button here.(tab not active until this therapy has been legalized)
  • Fill out the medical intake and consent form which will be emailed to you in two separate emails.
  • Standardized mental health questionnaires will be requested via the Osmind app, which we will ask to download to your phone.
  • Please note that this therapy requires you to use the medicine in the presence of a psilocybin trained psychotherapist. If you are already familiar with such a therapist then please utilize the services of that therapist. Otherwise, we will provide you with contact information for psilocybin trained psychotherapists to establish a relationship with.

“As shortcuts to spiritual and transcendent experiences, psychedelics played an important role in human evolution and galvanized prehistoric ritualistic cultures. In modern times, banning psychedelic drugs has proven to be counterproductive. Just as banning sexual activity does not stop sexual desire, outlawing psychedelic drugs does nothing to suppress the innate human urge for transcendental experiences. Besides, prohibition rarely works as we saw with alcohol or marijuana. Despite their classification and the legal hurdles around working with Schedule I substances in the U.S., psychedelics have undergone something of a renaissance among researchers, and for good reason.”

― Alex M. Vikoulov

A summary of psilocybin scientific studies can be found at this link.

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