What is It?
NAD+ Therapy
NAD+, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a naturally occurring coenzyme found in all living cells. NAD helps the mitochondria in the cell nucleus to produce more ATP which is our “energy” molecule. Cellular NAD concentrations decrease during aging, lifestyle stress, illness, and injury.
Intravenous injection of NAD+ can prolong and enhance both health and life span. It is a safe therapy that can optimize health and aid recovery in many conditions. Intravenous therapy with NAD allows this beneficial enzyme to go directly into the bloodstream, bypassing degradation by the gut, to directly benefit every cell in your body.
NAD+ is a remarkable coenzyme that is naturally found in our body. It is rapidly depleted with stress, illness, and aging. By replacing NAD+, every cell in your body is able to be optimized. NAD+ can theoretically slow down the aging process. Another important benefit of NAD+ is that it helps hormone production at physiologic levels since it helps every organ in our body to function properly. Conditions that may benefit from NAD therapy include, but are not limited to the following:
Cost Of NAD IV Therapy
NAD therapy is not covered by insurance. Insurance does not consider this therapy medically necessary, which has no bearing on whether it works. We charge $50 per 50mg (one hour infusion) or purchase a 1000 mg vial at the current pharmacy rate. There is a fee for the initial consultation with the medical director for NAD. Purchasing a "patient specific "vial is the most cost effective option.
NAD is ordered from our pharmacy ahead of your appointment and therefore must be prepaid ahead of your appointment.
Potential Side Effects
NAD is generally safe and well tolerated. The most common side effect is nausea which can be mitigated by anti-nausea medicine or by slowing down the infusion. The benefits are fantastic and can be felt the following day, once you get through any unpleasant sensations. Most unpleasant sensations can be mitigated by slowing the infusion rate. All sessions are closely monitored. Possible adverse reactions of NAD include:
Headache, tension feeling, and/ or dizziness
Nausea ( we can give you anti-nausea medicine, but it is usually not necessary)
Chest tightness or discomfort (therapy is safe and this sensation can be easily mitigated by slowing the IV)
Diarrhea, stomach discomfort, indigestion
Arm discomfort, bruising, infiltration