I had Cancer……

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When I was 40 years old,  I got diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 

My world was shattered.  I was a mom of 3 teenage children, one of whom was disabled.  I was a working mom, supporting my family with my small medical practice.  Now all my fears were coming true.  My health was threatened. My saftey and financial security were threatened. My life was threatened! My kids had  to suffer having a mother with cancer and all the fears associated with this.  It was quite a shock. 

I underwent R-CHOP, a difficult chemo for 5 months. I was depressed and did alot of unhealthy comfort eating. Time passed and we got through it. 

I really don’t like the term “cancer survivor” or that “ I beat cancer”.  I survived by the grace of God.  He allowed me to live.  I had the support of my husband, Paul, and my close family.  It was certainly not because my will was stronger than cancer or that I did anything extraordinary about my illness.  I just did my chemo and hoped for the best. 

At that time, 10 years ago, I did not know about IV vitamin therapy such as high dose vitamin C.  Since then I have learned that there are things besides chemotherapy one can do to combat cancer and to lessen the side effects of chemo.   The mechanism by which high dose vitamin C works is by causing a burst in oxidative stress directly to cancer tumors, thereby destroying the tumor.  Vitamin C is also an anti-inflammatory substance.  Vitamin C is also depleted by chemotherapy.  For all these reasons, it is helpful to replenish with high dose vitamin C. 

Here is a great article by NIH that supports using high dose vitamin C as an adjunct in cancer treatment. 


I do not offer very high dose vitamin C here at my office because doses this high require special considerations and accommodations which I am not set up for.  However, I am sharing this information because integrative oncologists do exist that are able to provide high dose vitamin C so it’s worth trying to find such a provider.

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